Ingex Documentation

Web module Installation

Linux Installation
ACE + TAO Installation
Installing e2fsprogs-devel
Download Ingex Sources
DataBase installation
Unix ODBC installation
Install lame
Install ffmpeg
Web module Installation
Ingex Sources Installation
Initial testing
DVS Capture card installation
DVS Card Setup and Usage
Add NTFS read/write support


Installing the web interface...


  1. With YAST install apache2 webserver package.
  2. Make sure perl is installed
  3. With Yast search for perl-DBI package and install..
  4. goto and get the latest source for Text::Template.
  5. Do a tar xf and copy the extracted source to the /use/local/src/Text-Template directory
  6. cd to /use/local/src/Text-Template
  7. do root> perl Makefile.PL
  8. than do root> make test
  9. All the tests should report "ok"
  10. than do root> make install
  11. goto:
  12. Download the lastest DBD-Pg-x.xx.tar.gz (now v 1.49)
  13. do root> tar xf DBD-Pg-1.49.tar.gz
  14. copy the DBD-Pg-1.49 directory to /usr/local/src/ and rename to DBD-Pg
  15. cd to this new directory
  16. do root> perl Makefile.PL
  17. than root> make
  18. Do some exports for the test...
  19. root> export DBI_DSN-dbi:Pg:dbname=prodautodb
  20. root> export DBI_USER=ingex
  21. root> export DBI_PASS=ingex
  22. than root> make test
  23. Although some tests will be skipped the main-message should be "tests successful" 
  24. than root> make install


Check apache configuration:

  1. cd to /etc/apache2/
  2. open the "default-server.conf" file
  3. check the DocumentRoot (Should be /srv/www/htdocs)
  4. check the ScriptAlias (Should be /cgi-bin/ "/srv/www/cgi-bin")
  5. Restart apache if you've changes anything using YAST

Web interface installation:

  1. cd to /usr/local/src/ingex/Ingex/web/manage
  2. do root> install/
  3. Go to /srv/www/cgi-bin/ingex
  4. open the "ingex.conf" file with KWrite
  5. Change "db_user = ingex"
  6. Change "db_password = ingex"
  7. Open a webbrowser and point to http://localhost/cgi-bin/ingex/

I'll post any useful information I receive. Don't worry, I'll be sure to to give you credit!

BBC OpenSource Multichannel Capture And Logging Software for Avid systems.