Make sure that the Driver is loaded.
Goto /usr/local/src/sdk2.7p48/linux/driver and do ./driver_load
- Goto /usr/local/src/sdk2.7p48/linux/bin
- Set the SCSIVIDEO_CMD to the correct value (eg PCI,card:0)
- do ./svram mode PAL/AUDIO4CH/YUV422/FRAME
- This will setup the card to use Pal (50Hz), with 4 channels of audio, in a YUV422 frame buffer, in Frame
mode. This is important as the DVS card standart is FIELD mode with no audio..
- Optional, chose the audio input (if you use aes)
- Do ./svram audioinput aiv (for audio embedded) or
- Do ./svram audioinput aes (for AES/EBU signals)
Now start the capture deamon and check that video is visible on the sdi (or CVBS) output, Also check (if possible) that
audio is comming from the headphones output on the AES/EBU subboard of the DVS card.
Record a piece of metarial and check on an avid that video and audio is correct..
If Video is split in two halve size frames one above the other than the card is still in frame mode. If video looks
like the field dominance is not correct than check that the correct buffersize for the given format is used. Check ./dvs-sdi -h for options on how to start the capture deamon
with different framebuffers.