Ingex Documentation

Ingex Sources Installation

Linux Installation
ACE + TAO Installation
Installing e2fsprogs-devel
Download Ingex Sources
DataBase installation
Unix ODBC installation
Install lame
Install ffmpeg
Web module Installation
Ingex Sources Installation
Initial testing
DVS Capture card installation
DVS Card Setup and Usage
Add NTFS read/write support


Ingex sources installation

  1. Check that the sources are downloaded and in /usr/local/scr/
  2. goto /usr/local/src/ingex/libMXF/lib
  3. do root> make
  4. goto /usr/local/ingex/Ingex/mxfwriter/
  5. do root> make
  6. goto /usr/local/src/ingex/Ingex/common
  7. do root> $ACE_ROOT/bin/ -type gnuace
  8. and do root> make
  9. goto /usr/local/src/ingex/Ingex/corba
  10. do root> $ACE_ROOT/bin/ -type gnuace
  11. and do root> make Recorder-target
  12. and do root> make RecorderClient-target
  13. goto /usr/local/src/ingex/Ingex/capture
  14. do root> make testgen

BBC OpenSource Multichannel Capture And Logging Software for Avid systems.